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Freedom Prayer
You were created for a specific purpose!
When fear or anxiety creeps in, it can be debilitating, life changing, and keep you from walking out your purpose. But it's God's desire that you walk in the freedom that Jesus paid for. Sometimes that requires another woman to come alongside you to pray and seek the Lord on your behalf.
What is Freedom Prayer?
Freedom Prayer is a prayer appointment with one of our Spiritual Directors to help you find the root cause of your fear/anxiety and then help you get rid of it. ​You might think you know what the cause is but because fear and anxiety can be complicated, often the root of the issue turns out to be different than expected. The only way to find the root cause is by asking the Holy Spirit.
What to expect during a session?
We offer two different appointment lengths to meet your current need.
30 min. appointment is for a spiritually mature woman who has not dealt with fear/anxiety in the past but is experiencing it now and needs help to overcome it.
1 hour appointment is necessary for most women. One of our Spiritual Directors will help identify the root cause of the fear/anxiety and give you both practical and spiritual tools to fully remove it from your life.
Keep in mind...
Fear and anxiety does not come from God. Although we strive to see you completely set free during your appointment, you may need another session if it has a stronghold in your life. However, you will be given spiritual tools to use during your appointment time, which will help you daily.
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