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Follow Jesus the Biblical Way

On January 4 of this year, I shared with my staff what the Lord showed me... He was coming in 2020 to divide with His sword. I knew this year was going to have immense consequences to it and it's been crazy to see what has actually happened this year.

But here's the beauty - when God shows you something negative, He's giving you a heads-up so you can prepare and then make the best of it. Many times the Lord doesn't give a head-up because too many people would just spiral down a rabbit hole way too early. And one can't serve God, and His children, when you are hiding.

We have to serve one another at all times and in all seasons. Not just when it's convenient. Not just when it's easy and we have the extra time. If we are

going to call ourselves a true follower of Jesus then we have to be a witness, a servant, and a leader at ALL times. We have to look to our Bible as the only source of what to do and how to respond. We need to be fearless, relentless, and sold out for the gospel... the full gospel. The gospel in context which means to partner with the Holy Spirit. We need to allow the words of the Lord permeate us and embolden us so that we have no other choice but to respond to His goodness.

Here's some food for thought...

Many have leaned on the internet during this year. Christians have allowed the government to shut down physical gatherings and gather online. But let's take a look at the disciples. Let's take a close look at the gospel. The disciples could have relied on solely writing letters instead of traveling and going to places/churches in person. It would have been much easier and much safer. But they didn't. They wrote letters AFTER they visited a place/church, to follow up and encourage. But a letter was never written in lieu of a visit or an in-person teaching. Their letters are like our internet. Sure, it's a form of communication but doesn't have the same impact. Solely using in the internet, and gathering virtually, is not a biblical model of how to spread the gospel and how to feed a flock. The internet can be a supplement, but it can't be the sole way just as the biblical times of letter writing.

Be salt and be light. If you've been hiding down a rabbit hole it's not too late to come back up to the surface. Join the ones who are sold out for Jesus. Join the ones who are going to find the narrow gate and be able to walk through it. Believe in the words of the Bible and put your trust in them. The Lord protects, the Lord preserves, the Lord will never forsake you - especially when you step out in faith and in His name.

If you need a dose of His truth and prayer to break off any fear and anxiety, make an appointment with myself or my staff. We want you to live as God has intended. We want you to fulfill the purpose He placed on your life when He created you.

May you be blessed and encouraged this day.

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