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Arise & Bloom

beautiful bouquet of flowers delicately arranged in a white bowl.

As I started to think about the number eight, I asked the Holy Spirit what He had for me for this month. A sweet little yellow birdy started to come to our window and tried to get inside the house. I knew the Lord wanted to speak to me through this event. This little bird is called an American Golden Finch. Gold represents blessings from the Lord. Finch means songbird. A songbird is bird that produces musical sound. The Scriptures teach us to have praise and worship on our lips. We need to come to the Lord with thanksgiving and praise. I believe we need have a song on our lips this season. Allow the outpouring of the goodness of the Lord to pour out over you in this season. Position yourself to receive all that God has for you.

Songs of Songs 2:12

The flowers appear on the earth once again; The time for singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove is the heard in our land.

Sometimes the new thing the Lord has for us is waiting at the door or in my case the window. God is just waiting for us to open the door/window as an action step of faith and obedience. You see this in the life of Moses. God had given him instructions and I think it was a clear blueprint on what he was asked to do. However, Moses still needed to do his part and step forward in this new path the Lord set before him.

The number eight is all about new beginnings. A new beginning is a fresh start, to begin again. God is ALWAYS in motion. In Jesus, we have a new beginning, a fresh start. Jesus is our Waymaker. He is our path. Fresh hope begins to bloom within. I know from personal experience how sometimes new beginnings seemed so far away. Let’s learn to turn our attention on the Lord and off our circumstances. Trust in Him completely and allows Him to do what He said He would do in our lives, in His perfect timing and way.

For some, in this new season, God is asking you to leave the old mindset, thought patterns, habits and outgrown ways behind. Sometimes we can’t get past the fact of the things we are ‘losing.’ We think we need them but when God removes them, be encouraged for our God has something BETTER. Saul’s wife looked back to her old life and what she was leaving behind. She was not willing to let go of the past and it destroyed her. The consequences were great and she lost her life. Don’t allow this same thing to happen to you. Let go of the things God is asking you to let and allow t God has in store for you, a new beginning (Genesis 19.) Keep your focus on Jesus. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. He wont let you down and you can’t get distracted when your focus is upon the Lord.

Sit with the Holy Spirit and ask Him if you are resisting moving forward? Are you entering into that new things God has been speaking to you? Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “ Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” As you wait on the Lord for your promises to come to pass, trust that the Lord is doing a new thing. Know that He is working out everything for your good. Believe that a new beginning is upon you. Place your trust in the One who will never forsake you. I read a statement from Chuck D. Pierce that simply states, "a lot of people keep looking for the new instead of living in the new."

Prayer of Declaration:

Holy Spirit help me to wait on the Lord. Father, I surrender every part of my life. I want the new things You have for me.

I will wait in the process.

I will wait in the valley of decision.

I will wait in the tight space You have me in.

I will worship in the silence.

I will worship in the waiting.

I will worship in the stillness.

I fix my gaze upon the Rock.

Take me higher than before.

I trust You Lord.

I will wait on You to move.

I will wait on You to speak.

I will not move without You.

I will wait on You.


Scriptures to meditate on:

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Job 23:10

But He knows the way that I take [and He pays attention to it]. When He has tried me, I will come forth as [refined] gold [pure and luminous].

If you looking for godly community, accountability, activation and so much more. Join us for our women’s 7-month-course; it will transform your life and prepare you for what God has created you for. Do not let anything stand in your way, even yourself. Let this be the season that you let nothing hold you back from fulfilling your God-given destiny.

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Unknown member
Aug 14, 2023

Amen! Yes lets position ourselves to hear and see. The Lord speaks in such beautiful and personal ways, a Golden Finch, how stunning. i have only seen one once. God is speaking and and i believe He is going to reveal those things we have only dreamed about. Open our hearts Lord and enable us to see. Thank you Shanae. Your writing always me want to dance. X


Unknown member
Aug 09, 2023

I love the declaration prayer! 👑


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Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound of the trumpet's blast! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!

~ Psalm 89:15

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