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Be Prepared with Oil

This month, we learned about oil. A story that comes to mind when I think of oil is the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins from Matthew 25:1-13. The wise virgins brought enough oil to wait for the groom, while the foolish virgins didn’t prepare enough. As the time drew near, the foolish virgins realized they were running out of oil and asked the wise virgins to share. The wise virgins refused and told them to buy their own but it was too late. When the foolish virgins returned with the oil, the door was already closed, and they were left outside in the dark forever.

Sometimes, I reflect on this story and wonder why the wise virgins didn’t share their oil or remind the foolish ones to get more. Why was it too late even after they went to buy the extra oil? How does this parable relate to my life? Then I remember an experience I had: I used to drive a lot, and whenever my gas tank was low, I’d make sure to fill it up to avoid any issues. Even on road trips when I wasn't driving, I would always remind the driver to refuel, jokingly saying, “We don’t want to push the car to our destination.” But one week, I noticed my fuel was running low and thought, “It’s fine; I’ll wait until it’s almost empty.” Based on my experience, I believed there was still some gas left even when the gauge showed empty. Then, one day, I was rushing to a church meeting during rush hour, and my fuel gauge suddenly pointed to “E” and started alerting me. Stuck in heavy traffic (for approximately 40 minutes), I prayed to reach petrol station before my car ran out of gas. I was really worried, praying that my car would stop in the middle of the road. Thankfully, I eventually found a petrol station, fueled up and made it to the church meeting safely. Since then, I’ve learned my lesson and never delay refueling my car when the gas tank is low.

Now that I understand the importance of always having that "extra oil," both literally and figuratively. After this experience I revisited Matthew 25:1-13 in the Amplified Bible. (I encourage you to revisit this passage on your own too.) One thing that stood out to me is its connection to the second coming of Jesus Christ. How do we prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Before discussing how to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ, let's first explore the differences between the wise virgins and the foolish virgins.

Matthew 25:2-4 

Five of them were foolish [thoughtless, silly, and careless], and five were wise [far-sighted, practical, and sensible]. For when the foolish took their lamps, they did not take any [extra] oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil along with their lamps.

The Amplified Bible clearly describes the characteristics of the wise and foolish virgins. The wise virgins were farsighted, practical and sensible. They understood that the wait could be long, that their lamps would eventually run out of oil, and that they needed to bring extra oil to keep their lamps burning. So, they brought flasks of oil along with their lamps. In contrast, the foolish virgins were thoughtless, silly and careless. They didn’t plan ahead, didn’t consider what might happen, and didn’t ask how they should prepare for the wait. As a result, they didn’t bring any extra oil with them. Though the wait was long and they had the chance to return for more oil or buy some from the dealers, they took no action until it was too late, when they were called to meet the bridegroom.

One thing that stood out to me is that the wise virgins made preparations. During the Inheritance Church Session on the Trumpets of Tirzah YouTube channel on August 7, 2024—“THIS is Your Anointed Season! CLAIM IT!” —Pastor Carina asked if anything specific stood out from the Tirzah podcast or Pastor Shanae’s blog, "Miracle of Oil." Michele, a member of the Tirzah Tribe, shared that what resonated with her was the idea that “we are in constant preparation.” This concept of continuous preparation applies not only to getting ready for what God calls us to do but also to preparing for the Lord’s second coming.

Let’s dive in.

  1. Recognize That the Lord Will Surely Come Again.

First and foremost, we must be fully convinced that Christ will return, as clearly stated in the Bible. While we may not know the exact details of when, where, or how this will happen, we can trust that He will come. Remember, God does not lie. It is impossible for Him to do so.

Hebrews 6:18

So that by two unchangeable things [His promise and His oath] in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled [to Him] for refuge would have strong encouragement and indwelling strength to hold tightly to the hope set before us.

2. Jesus Will Return for Those Who Have Faithfully Awaited Him

Hebrews 9:27-28

And just as it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this [comes certain] judgment, so Christ, having been offered once and once for all to bear [as a burden] the sins of many, will appear a second time [when he returns to earth], not to deal with sin, but to bring salvation to those who are eagerly and confidently waiting for Him.

When Jesus Christ first came, He came for sinners—those who didn’t know God. His mission was for them to repent and turn to God. Now that Jesus has completed His work on the cross by dying to redeem us from our sins, God has given us ample time to repent and believe in Jesus. When the appointed time arrives, Jesus will return, but this time He will come for those who have patiently and faithfully awaited Him. Those who have not followed His ways will be left behind. Let us be diligent and steadfast in following God’s path.


3. The Lord Returns at Unexpected Times

Matthew 25:13

Therefore, be on the alert [be prepared and ready], for you do not know the day nor the hour [when the Son of Man will come].

In the parable of the ten virgins, the bridegroom arrived at midnight, catching the virgins off guard and forcing them to get up from their sleep to meet him. The timing was so unexpected that the five foolish virgins didn’t have a chance to buy the extra oil they needed. We don’t know the exact time or date of Christ’s return, but we can prepare in advance so that we’re ready and equipped when the unexpected happens.

4. You Are Responsible for Your Relationship with the Lord

I researched the symbols of the oil and the lamp. The oil represents the Holy Spirit, and the lamp represents Christ. I understand that the oil (Holy Spirit) keeps the lamp (our relationship with Christ) burning. During the wait, it's crucial to stay focused on our relationship with Christ. The foolish virgins failed to take responsibility for maintaining their relationship with Christ. When the time came, they asked the wise virgins for extra oil, relying on others instead of doing the work themselves. We must remember that, while others can encourage and guide us, it is our responsibility to keep our own lamp burning and maintain our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sometimes, when I drive past abandoned places with rundown houses and closed shops, people often talk about the history of these places, mentioning which company initially owned the project and their original plans. Then something went wrong—like a crisis or economic downturn—and the place was left abandoned and rundown. I’m grateful that God is not like that. When He created the world, He not only had a plan and a vision but also acted immediately to address the issues when Adam and Eve sinned and things did not go as He intended.

  • God Sent Adam and Eve Out of the Garden of Eden. God didn’t just leave Adam and Eve to fend for themselves. Instead, He warned them about their punishment and consequences, made them clothes from animal skins and then sent them out of the Garden of Eden.

  • God Sent Jesus Christ to Address Sin. Years later, God sent Jesus Christ to Earth to address sin. Jesus hung on the cross to atone for our sins, giving people the opportunity to repent and believe in Him.

  • Jesus Christ Will Return. Even though Jesus Christ died on the cross to offer salvation and draw people to God, the world remains burdened by sin. Sin acts like a plague, continually distracting people from God. As a holy and sinless God, He will not settle for "good enough." He has already prepared for Christ’s second coming, so that the world He originally created can be renewed and transformed.


If you want to see what the new heaven and earth will look like, I encourage you to read Revelation Chapter 21. If you feel like you’ve messed up your life, remember Adam and Eve. Even though they made mistakes, God helped them and made things right. Similarly, God won’t abandon you if you’ve disappointed Him. If you’re willing, God can help you set things right again.

Action Steps

Find a quiet place to sit and invite the Holy Spirit to guide you through the following prayer exercise:

  1. 1.Visualize yourself as one of the ten virgins holding a lamp. Reflect on whether you see yourself as the wise virgin or the foolish virgin. Do you have extra oil, or just enough to get by?

  2. If you identify with the wise virgins, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what you did right. This will help you share your wisdom with others and continue making good choices. If you identify with the foolish virgins, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what obstacles are in your way and to help remove them from your life.

  3. Sing a worship song. One hymn that might come to mind is “Give Me Oil in My Lamp,” or choose a song that the Holy Spirit brings to your attention.

    1. Give me oil in my lamp; keep me burning.                                                                                   Give me oil in my lamp, I pray.                                                                                                  Give me oil in my lamp; keep me burning.                                                                                Keep me burning till the break of day.

Let’s Pray Together:

Father, we are grateful for the Bible study on oil. Amidst the chaos and confusion, we pray that we may always be like the wise virgins—prepared with extra oil, vigilant, and diligent. Help us to rely on You rather than depending solely on ourselves.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we thank You and pray. Amen.

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Unknown member
2 days ago

I learned so much more after reading this than I knew before. My understanding of the parable of the 10 virgins has become clearer. God and His Ways are not complicated. Our real enemy in this world is distraction. We must get a hold of our minds and come away from all else and decide how we are going to operate seamlessly with the Lord while being continuously filled with the oil of the Spirit. Indeed, it is up to us to maintain our relationship with Jesus. Amen💖

Unknown member
2 days ago
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Hii Elizabeth, yes thanks for reminding me that God and His Ways are not complicated, and we should avoid distraction from the world, thanks!!


Unknown member
6 days ago

What an encouragement !......yes the Lord will return. and the Lord is preparing us daily that we may be ready. What you have shared makes me so want more of Jesus as we wait, as we are changed and i don' want to waste a day. Even the times that seem a little the Lord is working and preparing. Bless you.

Unknown member
5 days ago
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Thanks Jane, yes you remind me not to waste a day on things that don't matter, thanks!!


Unknown member
Aug 28

Amen, Holy Spirit teach me to new ways to collect fresh oil in my life!

Unknown member
Sep 01
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Yes, and amen :)


Unknown member
Aug 28

I love this Denise! And I love how you reminded us all of the importance of having extra oil! 🌟✨

Unknown member
Sep 01
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Thanks Carina :)

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