I love the definition of "forward" in the King James glossary. Forward is defined as “towards a part or place before or in front; onward; progressively; oppressed to
backward. Go forward; move forward, bold, confident and less reserved…”
I can imagine Jesus cheering us on. I see his smile as he encourages us to press on. He wants us to remember He has already prepared the way, that we can do all things in Him! I pray asyou read the rest of this blog post, you feel encouraged and fresh wind is blown into your being. I pray that you would feel momentum in the life and that your gaze would be fixed back solely onto Jesus. Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see from the Fathers perspective. Open our ears to hear Jesus speaking over us.
I recently heard a sermon on the importance of looking forward and the
importance of letting go of the old. When moving forward you have to LET GO of the all the
hurt and disappointments. You have to let go of any bitterness, regret or resentments.
You can’t carry that into your future and the good and new thing God wants you to
receive. I was reminded of the story of Lot's wife and how she turned into a pillar of
salt. Genesis 19:26 says, “ But Lot’s wife, from behind him, {foolishly, longingly} looked
[back towards Sodom in an act of disobedience,] and she became a pillar of salt.”
Now I know this story seems harsh but remember this is from the Old Testament
and we are now in the New Testament and because of Jesus we are under the Blood,
hallelujah! I mentioned this story because I want to point out two importance aspects.
One, Lot's wife she TURNED BACKWARDS. She wasn’t willing to let go completely of
the past. Her town was literally being rained down by fire but she couldn’t let go. Even if
she was curious and tempted. this is a clue how curiosity in the wrong things can lead
you quickly into a place you shouldn’t be. Her attachment to earthy things cost her
everything. Praise God we can and should learn from her on what not to do. This example should definitely change our own perspective.
I’ve been wrapping myself in Psalm 23 and reminding myself of verse 4 “…even though I walk THROUGH the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me, Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me.” Everything we need is in this verse to see us through life’s hard and dry times. There are so many anchors to fix yourself to. Remember the enemy loves to attack our thoughts and he will lie and tell you that you’re stuck and that you’re never leaving this pit. However, the Truth is you are moving THROUGH this place as you fix your gaze upon Jesus who is our path and
lighting up our way out of the valley. If God is for you than who or what can be against you? The God of heaven and earth is in front of you. Clearing your path and making your way so you don’t have to fear. Remember that Jehovah Raah is God your Life Shepherd.
We are so blessed to serve our faithful Father who guides us into His perfect plan for
our lives. His perfect wisdom is ours to receive and trust in. Let these truths release a comfort within you and a steadfast faith. He is the God of ALL consolation, which releases His peace into your mind and stills the storm.
The importance for the believer to continue forward is to look to Jesus and not get
tempted to lose focus on our circumstances or emotions. Peter walked and had
enough faith to walk on water but he started to look around at the “facts” and he was
distracted. Fear and uncertainly crept in and he went down into the water depths. Let us not forget that the others didn’t even attempt to get out of the boat! Currently, in my own life I
feel as if I’m TWO steps always from walking into some of the greatest miracles I’ve
believed for. Two steps away from receiving the promises of the Lord for my life and my
family. I’ve realized that sometimes when you’re in the valley, the end part can be the
hardest. It’s like being in a hallway and not seeing that there is a door a little further
ahead around the corner. I encourage you to read Psalm 23 over yourself and put it on
like a garment.
Psalm 55:22 tells us to “ Cast your burden on the Lord [release it] and He will
sustain and uphold you; He will never allow the righteous to be shake (slip,fall, fail.)”
If you have found yourself losing hope or weary, give it to the Lord and receive His
refreshment and perseverance to finish strong in Him. Remember your not stuck
because the Lord is making a way for you. If you fill your stagnate, ask the Holy Spirit to
give you fresh vision. I declare the winds of change over you! I'm going to repeat it again
My prayer for you:
Dear Jesus,
I thank You for Your constant goodness. I thank You that I can come to You with all my needs. Lord I ask for all the readers to be filled up with fresh faith and hope. Holy Spirit, bring to remembrance all the times the Father came through for us! Holy Spirit release the winds over our lives and circumstances. Align our minds with Truth. Strengthen us to continue on moving forward towards the promises. Lord wash away anything that has been holding us back. Remove the mud Father. I declare we WILL cross over!!! Thank you Jesus. In Your precious name Jesus, AMEN!
I look forward to hearing all the testimonies pouring in! Please write them in the comments, it is so encouraging to everyone who reads. If you want to grow deeper and prepare yourself for your calling and purpose, fill out an application for our next 7 month course!
Thank you. A powerful reminder ! And we are reminded that its good to know the facts but it is so, so much better to know what God says. Not only to know what God says but to believe it for His word so often overrides the natural and reveals His supernatural creative power. Lazarus was dead But God !!! Bless you.
Such a great reminder that “just” a glance back could have catastrophic consequences!