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One is Binding

Happy New Year Trumpets of Tirzah family! We love and appreciate you and know that you are prayed for and thought of often. It amazes me to see how much the Trumpets of Tirzah Tribe has grown and we look forward to watching what God does in your life in 2023. As you journey along with us this year, you will feel like you are on this treasure hunt with the Lord as you learn to hear and see the voice of God in new ways. I hope you feel excited and are ready for God to speak to you. He is always speaking to His children, we just need to learn to listen. He is always on the move, working everything out for our good. As I sought the Lord to ask what He wanted me to share about the number one, I instantly heard unity, covenant, and oneness. I have a deep excitement about learning and growing in my understanding of numbers from a biblical perspective. This is new for me as well so let us step out of our comfort zones together. I am open and expectant for God to speak in new ways.

1 Corinthians 6:17

But the one who is united and joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

You were designed to dwell with the Lord. This means that God created you to be intimate with Him. To know Him as your friend and so much more (Psalm 23). We see this in the garden where Adam and Eve walked side by side with the Lord. Reminds me of that old hymn ‘In the Garden.” There is a part that goes “…And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own” and it reminds that God, my Father, longs to be friends with you and me for us to share our life intentionally with Him. To live a life in union with the Father just like Jesus modeled for us and we know He only did what He saw His Father doing! That is true intimacy; to know God and to be known by Him. As a child of the Most High, this is your position to be ONE with the Father. In the very words of Jesus, he prayed in John 17:20-23 “ I do not pray for these alone [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for who [will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message, that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, so that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me.” You and I have this mutual indwelling with the Lord. This is so powerful to understand and grasp because it changes everything. It changes your perspective to be higher. It sets you in Truth, which is a firm foundation. It also reveals your identity in Christ.

I always loved to pray, “Lord I am in You and You are in me. We are one. You are mine and I am yours.” Yet I never truly understood the power in this prayer. It has been my reminder and has carried me through the valleys and the mountains because it reminds me that I am bound to the Lord. I pray that this will be your reminder that you too are bound to the Lord and He will carry you through the valleys and mountains as you draw close to Him. When we choose to surrender our lives to Jesus, we become one with Him and in turn we enter a covenant with the Lord. We are bound to the One who will never fail us. A covenant is an ever-lasting promise. It is a seal and promise between you and the Lord. It is an agreement between you and God that binds you together. Complete intimacy. We are created to live so close to the Father. I imagine it looks like a small child following our Father so close we are in step with His shadow. Merging us with Lord.

I encourage you to go through your promises with the Lord and remind yourself and allow fresh faith to rise that the Lord is true to His Word and it is everlasting. I want you to pause here for a moment. Refresh your commitment to the Lord. Ask Him to bind you to Him in a new way. Tell Him that in 2023 you want to become one with Him in a fresh and deeper way than before. I believe this month you will experience an actual feeling of finding yourself being bound to Him in ways that may even surprise you. And make sure you leave a testimony we want to rejoice with you on how God is moving in your life.

Romans 11:36

For from Him [all things originate] and through Him [all things live and exist] and to Him all things [directed]. To Him be glory and honor forever! Amen

I have always pictured unity like a braid because like a braid unity is strong and holds things together. A braid can be used for many purposes. Unity has no separation. Jesus gave a warning about discord. Without unity you cannot stand. You can see the importance of unity, which is why the enemy comes to destroy and disrupt unity. Let’s pledge to Jesus right now to be unity creators! I love this description; that it is the Cross of Christ that breaks down every barrier. It is Jesus that brings us all together. Jesus is so worthy to lay aside our difference and leave them at the foot of the Cross. It is that in Jesus we find unity. One Body. One Spirit. One God. Created to drink of one spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). I want to encourage you to read John 15, which is about The Vine and the Branch. Become one with the Lord. Allow the necessary pruning. Allow Him to replant you with fresh new dirt and even move you into more fertile ground. Lets get planted next to the River. Continue to lean into the One who will NEVER fail you. Do not let your emotions or circumstances separate you from the Lord.

I pray this new way of seeking God sparks a flame of fresh fire within you. That God is in fact all around you. Begin to dream new dreams with the Lord. Believe in the impossible this year. We serve such a faithful God. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God (Elohim) created [by forming from nothing] the heavens and the earth.” I love how this is the first verse in the Bible. It gets my expectation and excitement level UP. This verse tells us how we serve a God who can DO ANYTHING. He created and formed the world from nothing. Nothing is defined as “not anything; no single thing.” Pause and realize this fact for your life. God makes all things possible. He can create a new thing from nothing, remember our perspective is limited but He is all knowing and is the Alpha and Omega. I want to share the few ways the Lord has been speaking to me about the number one. They each are so different and unique that I could have missed it but praise the Lord I didn’t. Keep yourself engaged with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to highlight "1's" to you this month. Watch out for the promptings of the Holy Spirit as He draws your attention. Just like Moses and the burning bush, he had to first notice it and then pursue it. Now I’m sharing these with you because I want you to realize God speaks to us in unusual and personal ways that are outside the “normal”.

• I was cooking and I realized I have one egg left. I usually cook in pairs and so I’m left

with two eggs. However, this month I was left with one. (The One offers us to become new creation.)

• We have one red cardinal who comes every day to our house and continually tries to get

inside our home. We have even put up barricades, which has not deterred him. (God pursues union with us and never gives up on us.)

• The one deer in our entrance to our community. Mind you I haven’t seen a deer in our

community since we moved here. (Union with God is the entrance to our eternal life.)

• We were on a trail and two squirrels came before us but only one squirrel decided to

move across the path. (Union with God will separate us from things that are not of Him.)


Father God, I know You speak to me because Your Word says so. Praise You, Lord. Your ways are above my ways and they are perfect. Holy Spirit open my eyes to see and my ears to hear what the Father is speaking. Father, I shed old wine skins and make room for the fresh wine. You are pouring out fresh dew from heaven, I receive it Lord. Holy Spirit pour out new oil upon my head and let it flow into every inch of my being. Let the oil and the wine pour into every area of my life and those who are around me receive from the overflow. Lord this is the year I advance into the sphere You have called me to. This is the year that I let NOTHING hold me back. Lord, I move forward in you and with you. Holy Spirit keep me mindful this year. Lord this is my season to grow in oneness with You. Overshadow me Lord. This is the season of impossibilities. In the name of Jesus, AMEN.

Scripture to meditate on:

Revelation 21:3 “…God is among men, and He will live among them, and they will be His people and God himself will be with them.”

Psalm 133:1-3 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil of consecration poured out on the head, coming down on the beard, Even the beard of Aaron, Coming down upon edge of his [priestly] robes [consecrating the whole body.] It like dew of [Mount] Hermon coming down on the hills of Zion; for the Lord has commanded the blessing: life forevermore.”

1 Peter 3:8 “Finally, all of you be like- minded [united in spirit], sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted [courteous and compassionate toward each other as members of ONE household], and humble in spirit;”

I pray that you feel hope and excitement for what God is doing right now in your life. I encourage you to get involved in our community more actively. You can look at your events calendar and sign up for the new things we are releasing. Be in prayer to sign up for our training and equipping course (Isaiah 44:2). This is the season to be ready like the five virgins! (Mathew 25)

Register for our workshop "God's Guidance" here.

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Amen Shanae! Keeping looking for those ones! Thank you for the scriptures.



The way the Lord speaks is amazing. Holy Spirit keep me sensitive to the Father. Keep me focus on the sound of heaven this year.

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