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Connected Transformation

Hello beloved! Are you feeling the newness of this month? Do you feel the stirring of the Holy Spirit in the atmosphere? As we begin our new number study this month, I want you to become aware and sensitive to the atmosphere around you. There is a stirring in the spiritual realm happening and God is going to manifest Himself in profound ways this month.

Everything is synchronized with the Lord. It's all from Him and it's all connected to Him. That why when we disconnect from Him, things in our life start to go wrong. If we are a branch that gets cut off from the tree, we are not going to sprout roots and begin to grow. We will wither and die. Yet too many times we unplug and disconnect ourselves and then "wonder why" certain things happened. God designed us to stay connected to Him. And it's through that connection which powers our life; a life that is transformed from the world's way back into God's way.

For those who listen to our podcast, that last sentence should sound familiar to you. At Trumpets of Tirzah our goal is to help you live as the Lord designed us to live which means we need to shift our mind from the world's way back to God's way. God's way is for us to operate in this life by His rules. Not just the things we need to follow but living by His truth; ALL things are possible with Him. When He speaks to us, as His Holy Spirit prompts us, we immediately believe what He says and obey what He is asking us to do even if we believe it's "not possible." Remember - our beliefs need to line up with God's truths and if God tells us to walk across the ocean, it's our job to believe that He will ensure we get from one side to the other. How that happens will be up to Him and He will make sure that as we step out in faith, He'll make the way. Too often we ask "how" instead of being obedient in what we are told. Yet we know that we are called to have child-like faith; doing what we are told without question because we trust Who is telling us.

If you've already listened to this Monday's podcast, you've already heard that the number 6 has the overall meaning of transformation. If you haven't listened yet, you can find it here on YouTube. (Or you can listen via Spotify or Apply Podcasts.)

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].

The world has taught us to ask questions and to question authority. But God's word is to trust and obey. We are to be humans here upon the earth that live by Kingdom values and attitudes. We are called to allow God to transform us from the world's ways back to His ways. We need to start rejecting the world's answers and the world's realm of possibilities in order to live as God intends. And we can do this by the renewing of our minds; reading God's word every day and adopting His truth as our own truth. ALL things are possible with God.

Don't allow this month to pass you by without a transformation happening to you. The Lord is inviting us to partner with His possibilities this month. He is the only one capable of taking dry, disconnected bones and reforming them into a functioning human body. He is the only one who is capable of parting a massive body of water so that you can escape your enemies. And because our God is such a creative God, what "impossible" thing does He want to do in your life that we haven't seen yet?

As part of the creation story, we see how the Holy Spirit hovered until the Father spoke and released Him to go into motion. This is an example of how the Father has given us free will. The Holy Spirit is hovering inside of us and until we speak an invitation to Him, He's not going to move because He's faithful, loyal, and also upholds His own principles. The Holy Spirit is not a contradiction, He obeys the Word of the Father. The spiritual principle, and gift we've been given, that we have free will to choose will not by trumped by the One Who has given it to us. God obeys His own rules, He is not capable of contradicting Himself. His purity is not capable of being tainted. The Holy Spirit, which dwells inside of us, is waiting for an invitation from us to move in our life. All we need to do is extend that invitation to His transformation in our life, having nothing off limits from Him, and He will start to move in mighty ways.

Transformation will not happen in our life until we invite the Holy Spirit to move and we renew our mind, believing in God's truth, that ALL things are possible in this world with Him. Apart from Him will always be a struggle to survive but WITH Him is life and life abundant!

Matthew 13:12

For whoever has [spiritual wisdom because he is receptive to God’s word], to him more will be given, and he will be richly and abundantly supplied; but whoever does not have [spiritual wisdom because he has devalued God’s word], even what he has will be taken away from him.

I personally want to see what God has in store for my life. I want Him to do "radical" things that will give me a radical testimony about His possibilities; how He opens doors, how He moves mountains. I'm inviting the Holy Spirit to move even more in my life. Who is ready to jump into this transformation with me?

Let our journey begin...

Father God, thank You for your fresh invitation into transformation this month. We accept Your invitation and invite Your Holy Spirit to move upon our life. We give You complete reign over what our life looks like and ask You to have Your way in every aspect. Father, forgive us for thinking with such simple minds and placing limitations on Your possibilities. Father, forgive us for the times that we have refused Your invitation because we believed we knew the way forward. Lord, we only want Your way. We only want Your will. We invite a fresh touch from You and we desire to live a life that is transformed. We want to live a life that is fully surrendered to you. We desire to be Your walking testimony of Your wonder-working possibilities. We ask that You would transform our lives radically this month!

In the precious name of Jesus, AMEN!

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