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Fearless Warrior Women

When I think of the word fearless so many stories of heroic women from the Bible flash before my eyes. Ester was an orphan who rose above her circumstances and saved an entire nation. Tirzah, the youngest woman, stood firm and broke the barrier to received her inheritance while changing the culture. Ruth didn’t let fear of the unknown or the pain of her past keep her stuck from moving forward towards a better future. Hannah didn’t let fear of an “unanswered” prayer dictate her heart posture towards God and she didn't let bitterness or a wrong mindset change her attitude. They turned towards the Lord. None of these women could have overcame some of their life’s greatest hurdles without God on their side. They are just like you and me. They made the right choice and stepped into their destiny unwilling to let fear overtake them.

Can you take a moment and close your eyes, think about your past, present, and future? Can you think of one time you felt fearful of your enemy, the unknown, the outcome or simply fear of lack? Fear keeps you in bondage. Fear is meant to keep you locked in that past hurt or old label. Fear keeps us in place and keeps us from the destiny that God has for our life. We all have a choice either to press through fear or succumb to it. Thankfully Jesus came and changed all of that for us! In Christ Jesus, we really can do anything and overcome ALL obstacles.

The opposite of fear is COURAGE. Courage is stepping forward and doing exactly the thing that makes you feel fearful. Joshua 1:6 says Be STRONG and CONFIDENT and COURAGEOUS, for you will give this people as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers (ancestors) to give them.” The next time you face a person or circumstance instead of running from it, face your fears. Know you are never alone. When we keep our focus on Jesus, we gain the higher perspective. It takes us to a place that makes us untouchable.

Bible Verses to meditate on and grab onto:

2 Timothy 1:7: “ For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has GIVEN us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].”

Isaiah 41:10: “ Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do NOT be afraid, for I am YOUR GOD. I will STRENGTHEN you, be ASSURED I will help you; I will CERTAINLY take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation]”

Psalms 118:6: “ The Lord is on my side, I will NOT fear. What can a [mere] man do to me?”

Prayer: Jesus thank you for the Cross. I can live life bold, fearless, and FULL of courage because You are FOR me! Jesus may all I do bring You the glory! Holy Spirit remind me quickly when the enemy speaks lies against this truth. Lord I want to become the fearless Warrier you have created me to be! Fear has NO hold on me in Jesus mightey name amen.

Warrior Women Rise Up! Let’s start 2022 differently and stop being fearful and become the Warrior Women of God, the Creator of the world, has called you to be! Let this be the year EVERYTHING changes. Your habits, your thoughts towards yourself and towards other. Let this year be your year of greater intimacy with Jesus the one who WILL NEVER fail you. I pray that your identity in Him become reality like NEVER before. Live your BEST life because Jesus died for YOU and THE BEST IS ALL HE HAS FOR YOU. There are so many other women in the Bible go and read them for yourself and be encouraged!

If you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you, nudging you, to take the next step then sign up for our course that starts January 17. If you will continue to feel the Spirit's prompting. Sign up for our events and get connected.

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Unknown member
Jan 23, 2022

This is brilliant Shanae! So on point and real! Interestingly, the Lord’S been giving me Joshua 1:6 re courage and being brave the past few days!! So well written and easy to read. Thanks for the encouragement!!!!!! 💕💕💗💕💕


Unknown member
Jan 13, 2022

Amen! That was SO powerful about courage. Praise the Lord that He is in it all! ❤


Unknown member
Jan 12, 2022

Thanks for writing Shanae! I will NOT fear!!! 🙌🏻


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Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound of the trumpet's blast! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!

~ Psalm 89:15

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