Flowing with God is supposed to come natural to followers of Jesus. As we accept Jesus into our hearts, we receive the Holy Spirit as a free gift, and then are supposed to become stewards of the gospel and become hungry to learn about God's ways. Christianity means to follow Jesus, act like Jesus, adopt the way Jesus lived, and learn how to operate in the world with God's principles.
But most of us have allowed our culture to dictate to us instead of looking to our Bibles. We don't have enough Christians to teach biblical truths so our own Christianity has succumb to being lukewarm. Here's what scripture has to say about that...
Revelation 3:15-16
‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust].
Ouch! It is a pretty harsh Word! Of course understanding the context of the book of Revelation can be tricky, and even scholars don't agree, but the point of this text is the mere definition of 'lukewarm' which means to be spiritually useless. That is not supposed to be a part of walking with the Lord.
I admit that when I was growing up I thought that learning about the Bible was mostly for people who were going to become pastors. And I even thought that Bible study was for only retired people to learn more about Jesus before they passed into heaven. It might sound ridiculous to you but I'm being honest. (And yes, it's ok to laugh at me, I'm laughing at myself right now. ha ha ha) Now I understand so much more! And I'm passionate about sharing with others that what you might think about the Bible is also not true.
Following Jesus is supposed to be a lifestyle, not a Sunday morning ritual. Regardless of the purpose that God has created you for, you are meant to do it with God's Kingdom principles. And that means you might have to scoff at the 'rules' because they go against God's ways. If Jesus wouldn't do it, or Jesus wouldn't approve of it, then we have no business doing it and that applies to our live 24/7.
Praise God that He gives us 2nd, 3rd, and even 10th chances to get it right! His grace and mercy for us is just indescribably incredible! (Not sure if that's 'a thing' but I have no real words to describe the goodness of God! - again, it's ok to laugh!) Don't worry about what you might have already agreed to or even gotten yourself into. God will get you out of it and re-correct your steps if you ask Him to. But that first step is recognizing that your ways haven't been God's ways, asking Him for forgiveness, and then asking Him for help. He is a grand and good Father and when you ask He will not ignore you.
Join me on this journey into God's Kingdom ways. We are supposed to live on this earth as it is in heaven. We are called to learn God's flow, embrace it, model it, and teach it to others. Together we can flood our neighborhoods and community with God's ways!