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Out of Peace, Authority is Granted

I've personally come into such a deeper and richer understanding of God's peace since our October study. Not only did our blogs and podcasts look at peace, but Monday-Friday for about an hour a day, I went live on TikTok looking at peace in scripture. There are over 400 scriptures with 'peace' in them so even in our month-long study, we barely scratched the surface on the Lord's peace. God has so many layers of revelation and meaning that it's fascinating to take our time and look at one aspect of God. When we slow down, and study God's word, we set ourselves up in posture to receive from Him. And I surely don't want to miss what He is offering me!

Authority comes with awesome responsibility, so as we study 'authority' this month it comes from the basis of peace, and that is God's design. Could you imagine if a bunch of angry, emotional people were given authority? Well... ok... in today's world we do kind-of see this (ha ha ha), but I'm talking about authority given to the masses. It would be a WAY messier world! But not only would it be messier it would be a detriment because 'to whom much is given, much is required.' (Luke 12:48) So as we step into studying authority, are you ready to be more accountable to God? You don't have to be, but once you learn His ways there is no going back. God offers us gifts but we have to use them for Him and in His way because we are called to steward to what He gives. So if we ignore the gift, or misuse it, there will be a stern correction and only God knows the severity.

God grants authority out of peace. Since God is peace, and offers us permanent covenant relationship with Him (Shalom), what He grants comes from Him which is peace. And He only grants authority to others from a place of peace because He wants those who He gives authority to, to rule in peace and with His peace. So to simplify = God is peace, He grants us peace, we live in peace, He grants us authority, and we rule with His authority in peace. And we see this is the very design by the way that Jesus lived.

Jesus never questioned His own authority. He also never questioned the Father about the Father's authority. This is because Jesus always followed scripture, He always was obedient to the Father's design. When you love and respect someone, especially our Almighty God, you don't question them. You accept what they say is fact and you move forward in obedience. And this should be our lifestyle as well. Scripture is our Authority. Father God is our Authority. Jesus role modeled what it looks like to walk out that Authority. Then Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit so that we could follow His ways, walking in His authority. And in the same way that Jesus walked, we must do it all in peace. The only way to step into our authority is from living a life a peace while having the mind of Christ. (If you missed that podcast, CLICK HERE.)

1 Corinthians 1:6-7

In this way our testimony about Christ was confirmed and established in you, so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift [which comes from the Holy Spirit], as you eagerly wait [with confident trust] for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ [when He returns].

All Christ followers are called to walk in authority with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (All nine gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.) We are given these gifts so that God can use us, to bless His other children, while pointing to Who He Is, how He loves them, and to the fact that only God can do the things that He does. And it takes authority to step out in your gifts.

Sometimes we think of authority as a negative. Many times we are not comfortable believing that our beautiful God, Who Is Our Authority, wants us to walk in authority because we should be submissive to Him. And YES, we ALWAYS have to be submissive to Him! And as we submit to Him, He trusts us and wants to use us which means He has to flow through us. We give Him the authority to use us (we have free will so we could say 'no.') And as we give Him authority to use us, He gives us the gifts of the Holy Spirit - which is His Authority. It's only of Him, from Him. God's authority, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, only come through submission to Him. It is His gift to us. This is His offering to us. So it's ok that we partner with His Holy Spirit, it is His gift to us for being His child and submitting to Who He Is. When we think of authority in this way, which is God's definition, they we can transform our mind to being confident that we are supposed to rightfully step into authority.

God's authority comes with awesome responsibility. I encourage you to take your time with this study this month. Read and re-read this blog post, and the ones to come. Listen and re-listen to our podcasts. Join me on TikTok to receive a daily dose of scripture teaching. (I teach live, Monday-Friday.) We are going to need to understand this, and know it in our core, for the days that are ahead of us. We are not victims of worldly circumstances, we are children of the Most High God called to walk the earth with His authority!

My prayer for you:

Father God, what an Awesome God You Are!!!

I thank You for being the Highest power and authority! I declare that there is NO other name above Your Name! You, and You alone, are mighty to save and worthy of it all!

Father, I ask You to soften my heart. I've been taught so many things in this life, and I just want to know Your truth. I want to know how You designed me to live. I want to live in a way that makes You proud. Soften my heart to receive a bigger portion of Your truth. Quiet my mind so that I don't try to rationalize Your ways. Forgive me God for believing that my brain is capable of comprehending how You operate. I want to receive all that You have for me. I want to be equipped, in this life, to point to You and Your glory. I am Your worthy child and I am ready to be used by You.

In the precious name of Jesus, AMEN!

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Unknown member
Nov 03, 2022

Thank you, Carina for such an awesome word on authority. So happy to learn new wisdom from the Holy spirit. The prayer is beautiful prayer on our behalf! Many blessings to you.

Unknown member
Nov 03, 2022
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Hugs to you Rebecca! May you continue to grown in Him.


Unknown member
Nov 02, 2022

Dearest Carina,

My heart jumped when i saw the topic for this month. Only last week the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about authority. I know I have so much to learn and understand. Thank you for starting us off and giving us much to think about and chew on. Bless you.

Unknown member
Nov 03, 2022
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