What a beautiful month we've had studying God's transformation and pursing Him will all abandon this month! Here's everything that we've studied.
Podcasts this month:
Six = Transformation https://youtu.be/qM5v_u3YgQ0
Look – then Transform. https://youtu.be/DmD8czNShOI
Six Ways to Transform your Life! https://youtu.be/Fypb3DzIeog
Wrapping up the Number 6. https://youtu.be/SSSzIWr7gnQ
Church Sermons:
Faith for the Possible https://youtube.com/live/0ulOppbcXDU?feature=share
Spotless Transformation https://youtube.com/live/jlpcDHZ-Tjs?feature=share
Your Faith will Transform You! https://youtube.com/live/_-Lv42TUZpw?feature=share
Let's Drink Life Water https://youtube.com/live/oGC_wJyoZd8?feature=share
Blog Posts:
Connected Transformation https://www.trumpetsoftirzah.com/post/connected-transformation
Glorious Transformation https://www.trumpetsoftirzah.com/post/glorious-transformation
Quiet Transformational Power https://www.trumpetsoftirzah.com/post/quiet-transformational-power
Our God is such a transformative God! All glory be to His name!!!
God bless you on your spiritual journey of becoming progressively changed every day.